Tue. Feb 11th, 2025

“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

What’s Round the Corner

The years are rolling by, and we all start wondering what is around the corner.   Can I maintain my health? Can I ward off some of the problems of advancing age?

We all worry about losing our marbles, however, there are some things that we can do to help in offsetting this decline.   

Being socially active is one of these and another is learning new things.   

This is where U3A can be of benefit.   

Each year we offer a variety of courses, all of which our members are entitled to enrol in.   Each year consists of two semesters and the first for 2025, begins on Monday 3rd March.

Google ‘U3A Central Coast Tasmania’ and check us out.   There you will be able to apply for membership and choose which courses you would like to attend and all for $40.00 for the whole year.

Our 2025 programme is diverse

You might like to join a Pétanque group (French Boules) or learn some Line Dancing – not only would you be getting social activity, but you would be getting some exercise, this would be a third of the modifiable risks for the dreaded “D” word.

You can have fun with some “Mischievous Music” or dabble in “Comedy Improvisation”.   There will be Astrology as well as Astronomy and the opportunity to “See the Stars” with the SeeStar telescope.  You can delve into history with the story behind “Jack the Ripper” or find out more about the Women behind the Presidents.

We will be presenting two legal talks: one covering “Power of Attorney, Enduring Guardianship and Advance Care Directives” and the second, “All Things Residential Tenancy”.

If you are interested in something local, then there will be sessions on the “History of Ulverstone” and a visit to the Ulverstone Cemetery. 

Also, presented in March, will be Basic German Conversation; Japanese Death Poetry; Going it Alone; Trivia Competition; Understanding Hybrid Shares; Time of our Lives; Know what you eat; The Origins of the Couch Potato and Your Digital Legacy.

These are just a few of the topics in the programme, go online and check out the rest. 

You can contact us:

u3acentralcoast@gmail.com or phone: 0457 411 585.

If you would like to enrol in person, there will be a ‘face to face’ enrolment day on Thursday 20th February, 1.30 – 2.30pm at Apex House, 3 Gollan Street, Ulverstone.

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