Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Editorial for September 2024


Supporting the community spirit
Greetings Central Coast,

Last month, I attended Health Consumer Tasmania’s grant writing workshops by Maree Gleeson to learn more about this not-for-profit space and how to gain funding for future projects. Sitting amongst big-hearted community members and hearing about their plans to help the residents in our local area, it was hard not to feel inspired. 

The work of the many volunteers keeps organisations going, and when money does flow in, it goes directly to creating a positive difference. There’s something so beautiful about committing your time and energy to something bigger than yourself that helps others, others that you may not ever get to know. 

Some key takeaways from the workshop were to have a clear vision and strategic plan for your organisation. Then, see how pieces of it can be chunked together and apply for grants in chunks rather than one giant lump. Create a big shocking true problem statement to focus on. It may seem blunt without any flowery language, but it instantly conveys that the problem you are addressing needs solving. 

The Program Logic Model for grant writing was a brilliant workflow to use. Beginning with the end in mind of the outcomes and impact, then working backwards to see how you will achieve that aim, and finally, what you need in terms of resources to make it all happen. Always consider 

who you are serving, and seek partnerships to help realise the outcomes you are seeking.

This is our third month since creating the not-for-profit to create, publish, and distribute this hyperlocal newspaper. We are getting into the groove, and we appreciate everyone’s contribution, care, and patience as we continue to learn and grow in this space. It was a lovely surprise to get a message from Lesley Begg, the previous owner of TCCV, about the mention of The Central Coast Voice in Parliament, which you’ll see the transcript on page 4 from what Leonie Hiscutt, Montgomery Member, mentioned in August. 

It’s lovely to see we have additional articles from the community this month and sponsorships through advertisement, which goes directly to printing the paper. We are always open to what’s happening in our community. There’s a tremendous spirit here, and so much is happening within the various community groups, organisations, and businesses. Please continue to share your updates – whether small or big, with pictures or not – so we can share them with our larger community. 

All the very best, Jennifer Hamilton

From the Layout Editor – Jilly’s desk
September and Spring (southern Spring) is here with warnings of rough weather.  As usually happens, my spring bulbs are just blooming and are being battered, but those that protect their blooms will be showing in this month’s Central Coast Garden Club Flower Show.

You will find as you read through this little newspaper, now on its third edition, under the management duo (David and Jennifer), it is growing the not-for-profit business with passion.

The contributions come from a variety of sources and represent the wide range of interests, groups, organisations across our Central Coast Region, from 110-year celebrations at Red Cross, the zealous fishing community, youth education, the older history of past generations and the many community activities.

David says, “lets share the news”

Do you know of a place that the newspaper could happily sit and be read? Let us know and we can arrange to drop off copies each month. We are happy to arrange copies to be sent to businessess with a lunch or waiting room.

For those further away from the towns, we are happy for someone to arrange to pickup each month and take copies for their community. Alternatively the PDF copy is on the website and a notification can be sent out when its ready.

We would love to have a sports page! We need someone who is connected with the multitude of sporting organisations around the Central Coast and can share articles about events and results of games, with a photo. 

Thank you to everyone who has sent in articles! It truly makes this paper your voice.

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