Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

Staying Healthy – Dose Administration Aids (DAAs) with Priceline Pharmacy

A “Dose Administration Aid” (DAA) is the perfect solution for individuals who take multiple medications, to ensure they take the right dose at the right time, with no fuss.  A DAA is great for those managing complex regimes, or for individuals who simply want to save time, stress and have peace of mind when it comes to medication.

For carers, a DAA will help improve medication adherence and safety in a way that will help your patients feel at ease. Pills and tablets are safely and securely sealed within each blister compartment of the medication pack based on the prescribed dosage time.

If English isn’t your first language, most DAAs are available in different languages, with the days of the week and dosage times listed in the specified language.

Coloured DAA folders can be used to distinguish different types of medications or dosage schedules. DAA’s are also available in low vision packs (for patients who are visually impaired).  

A common misconception is that DAAs are only for the elderly – this is not the case.  DAA’s are commonly used by school children on regular medication, travellers, health enthusiasts taking multiple supplements, psychiatric hospitals, hospital discharge patients, patients living at home, special accommodation homes, hostels, group homes or low care homes, clients receiving support services, and community patients who might be on a few medicines but are capable of self-medicating.  

There are multiple benefits of using a DAA.  A DAA gives peace of mind to relatives, carers and loved ones.  With distinctive visual cues, carers can see if medication is being taken correctly.  DAAs make it easy for patients to take multiple medications.  They eliminate the need to store, open, and close multiple medication bottles and boxes at home, thereby giving peace of mind that medications have not been missed or doubled up.  

A DAA can have a clear patient photo printed on the blister pack, which is particularly helpful in households where more than one individual is on a DAA, avoiding potential mix-ups.  Some DAAs have the ability to customise header cards according to patient needs.  Both printed and blank community header cards are available. Allowing for specific dosage times to be printed to meet the needs of each patient.  Some DAAs can be hung on the fridge and remain in sight, keeping medications well in sight and helping customers remember to take each dose.

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