Sun. Jan 26th, 2025

Event 22nd & 23rd August- Tasmania’s Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework

The Framework can be likened to workplace Health and Safety, in that it represents ongoing preventative practice intended to become the standard way of protecting children and young people when engaged with Tasmanian organisations.

The Framework outlines the Child and Youth Safe Standards, the Reportable Conduct Scheme, information sharing provisions and establishes the Independent Regulator.

The objectives of the Child and Youth Safe Standards are:

To outline the outcomes organisations must achieve to create a child safe organisation.

To embed the Universal Principal Aboriginal Cultural Safety; and

To create accountability in preventing harm to children and young people.

The Reportable Conduct Scheme:

Requires specific organisations to report concerns about a worker’s behaviour towards children and young people to the Independent Regulator.

Requires those organisations to undertake investigations of concerns about an adult workers behaviour;

Ensures organisations respond to harm to children and young people in a timely and appropriate manner.

The Independent Regulator:

Is independent from the Tasmanian Government and reports to parliament. The Independent Regulator is Louise Coe.

Oversees and supports organisations to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Standards including the Universal Principal and monitor ongoing compliance.

Builds the capability of organisations to prevent, identify and respond to harm to children and young people.

Ensures organisations report and undertake investigations in line with the Reportable Conduct Scheme

Is established and given powers under the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Act 2023.

Has significant enforcement powers to ensure compliance.

Can share information to promote the best interest of children and young people.

The Framework covers many types of organisations that engage with children and young people. If your organisation engages with children and young people, it could be legally required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework. To find out more or to request a support for your community group or sports club visit 

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